Shires Housing
About Shires Housing
Shires Housing (formerly Regional Affordable Housing Corporation, or RAHC) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit housing development corporation serving Bennington County and headquartered in Bennington. Shires Housing’s mission is to provide safe, decent and perpetually affordable housing options for limited income residents of Bennington County. Shires Housing has a staff of 17 and an eight member Board of Trustees consisting of local volunteers.
At Shires Housing we are helping transform communities by improving neighborhoods, providing workforce housing, and driving economic development in our region.
Who We Serve
Shires Housing primarily offers rental opportunities to residents earning 30% to 80% of the area’s median income, depending on family size. We also serve a wider range of incomes and provide homeownership opportunities in certain circumstances. Rents are intentionally below market-rate rents. All projects have accessible units, as per the ADA requirement for accessibility, and are lead safe.
What We Do
To achieve its mission, Shires Housing has successfully employed a multi-faceted approach to community development since 1988 which continues to enhance Bennington County in the following ways:
- Creating new affordable rental units and homeownership opportunities.
- Promoting a sense of pride in the community by upgrading existing neighborhoods through renovation and restoration of existing housing stock.
- Restoration and reuse of distressed historic buildings and other infill projects to create vibrant downtowns.
- Taxes paid on upgraded properties expand the local tax base.
- Investing in neighborhoods which acts as a catalyst for additional upgrades by other property owners.
- Using energy efficient construction practices, which reduce strain on resources.
- Rehabilitation and operating dollars are spent in the community and on local contractors.
We collaborate with various supporters and allies who span the non-profit, public, and private sectors. In the non-profit arena, Shires Housing works with the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board, Vermont Housing Finance Agency, Vermont Community Loan Fund, Housing Vermont, and other local non-profits with similar missions.