Shires Housing
Support and Services at Home (SASH)

SASH provides a system of coordinated, person-centered supportive services and care to help you live independently in your home. There are no costs and no requirements. You choose how and when you participate.
A statewide program, SASH is implemented regionally by partnering with non-profit housing organization to connect health and housing. Shires Housing is proud to oversee the SASH program in Bennington County and the Deerfield Valley. Our coordinators serve over 450 participants. Many of our participants are Shires Housing residents, but this program is not limited to those living in our apartments. Our coordinators work on-site at Bennington Housing Authority, THM, and privately-owned properties as well.
SASH staff serve as extenders to Primary Care, anyone living in or near Bennington, Shaftsbury, Arlington, and Manchester that receives Medicare benefits qualifies to be a part of our program. In addition to healthcare we also provide Community based living plans, programs and events, and planning services.
Download our brochure to find more information. To enroll call (802) 442-9920 or email
What SASH Provides
- A personalized Healthy Living Plan coordinated with your individual goals and needs.
- Regular support and encouragement from SASH team members and staff.
- Care and support that is planned to fit any hospice stays and needs.
- Health and wellness promotion events and programs.
- Be a part of the “At Home” system.

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