Shires Housing
What to Expect When You Apply
Our staff reviews each application as we receive them. Once received, we will comb through to ensure we have all of the information and documentation that we need to process your application. We will reach out to let you know if we are missing anything. We will not process your application or put you in our “queue” for an apartment until we have all information needed.
Once we have your completed application, we will process your application by completing a background and credit check, verifying your income with employers/providers, and reviewing your needs. Please note, we do not deny applicants for bad credit.
Once processed, a property manager will reach out to inform you of your eligibility. If denied, you are entitled to provide an explanation or documentation if you think the reason for your denial is not accurate.
If you are eligible, our property managers will do their best to place you in housing that meets your needs, if available. We currently have waitlists for most unit types, but how long you have to wait to be placed in a Shires unit will depend on your needs (e.g. 1, 2, or 3-bedroom, geography, handicap accessible, etc.) and which of the four main income restrictions you qualify for.
If we don’t have anything that is a good fit for you, we will keep your application on a waitlist. Whenever something opens up we will contact all on the relevant waitlist (e.g. those looking for a 1-bedroom handicap-accessible unit in Bennington) in chronological order. We also reach out to verify approximately every 3 months whether applicants wish to remain on a waitlist.
Please contact us if you have any questions about the application.
Disclosure to Applicants with Disabilities